
Business Investment that unlocks your potential.

More than investment – we partner with you for success.


Get Clarity

We will help you put fresh eyes on your business’ strengths and opportunities to grow.

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Get a Partner

You deserve relationships with people who have been there before and can help.

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Get Capital

Access to capital shouldn’t keep your business from achieving its full potential.

Don’t let your business
Get stuck

Business leaders get frustrated when:

  • They are doing everything themselves.

  • Access to capital limits their growth.

  • They don’t know what they don’t know.

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Scott Wehner, Founder and CEO Trek Partners Austin, TX


there’s a way Forward

I founded Trek Partners because I wanted other business leaders to have the kind of guide I wished I had when growing a successful business. Our coaching includes insights I’ve gained from:

  • Growing my first company to $200MM+/yr

  • Partnering with businesses ranging from start-ups
    to Fortune 500

  • Finding personal health as well as business health

How does it work?

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360 Assessment

We do a a comprehensive 360 assessment that looks at your business from every angle.

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Customized Plan

We create an investment and/or coaching plan tailored to you – and help you implement it.


Unlock your Potential

Trek Partners will help you
scale to the next level and beyond.


Contact Us

Let us put the tools and capital in your hands to help you scale.